Caledon Section - 7rh Line EHS (43.4 km) to 4th Line EHS (55.1 km) - October 27, 2022.

Caledon Section - 7th Line EHS (43.4 km) to 4th Line EHS (55.1 km) - October 27, 2022. It's the waning days of October and Hiking with Friends has enjoyed a stellar autumnal season on the Bruce will only add to that visual cornucopia of fall foliage, breathtaking vistas, and well, some actual corn that we have walked through, by, and under, as we enjoyed the past few weeks of this prime hiking period. It's back to the parking lot at Airport Road and 7th Line EHS this past week where we finished off a couple of weeks ago, but we are going to be heading 11.7 km "north on the trail" this week over to 4th Line EHS...East of Hurontario Street, it's the place to be today. If you want to hike this relatively short stretch of trail, be prepared to climb up, go down, climb up, go down...475 meters of "up" mean the legs get a great workout...I would say this piece has one of the highest "ascension/km" ratios on the B.T..the trail underfoo...