Iroquoia Section - Grimsby (0.0 km) to Lewis Road (11.1 km) - March 16, 2023.

Iroquoia Section - Grimsby (0.0 km) to Lewis Road (11.1 km) - March 16, 2023. Our Hiking With Friends group headed to the land of fruit and wine this past week to walk 11 km on the Bruce Trail from the beautiful town of Grimsby to Lewis Road in the town of Winona...with spring officially set to begin next week, and some rain and warmer temperatures in the forecast, would this be our last real winter hike?.. Our bird's eye view of the route as seen from over Lake Ontario shows the distinct linear nature of the green-ribbon of escarpment that we will (mostly) follow in our 4 hour journey...there's a pretty significant climb at the start that will account for most of the 310 meters of ascension required over the course of the morning... After the usual preparations at the Grimsby Lions Community Pool parking lot (and yes, we were very organized this morning), our group of 15 hikers are assembled and ready to take on the challenge...they include myself, Barbara (today's Hike ...