Iroquoia #5 - 16 January 2025, Group #2, Sherman Falls to Sydenham Lookout
Iroquoia #5 - 16 January 2025, Group #2, Sherman Falls to Sydenham Lookout So many of us signed up for this hike that Annette, this week's coordinator, split us into two groups of twelve, starting at opposite ends of this lovely hike. Of course, Annette , leading her group and exercising executive privilege, started at the Sydenham Lookout and descended its monster hill to Dundas, leaving twelve of us to stagger up that hill at the end of the hike. Hard words were heard. Milling about at Arbatan Road before the official start. Here we go, from left to right, Andrew (photographer), Faryde, Domenic, Doug (Group 2 coordinator, photographer), Ivan (photographer), Nancy (photographer), Brian, Andrea, Rita, Frank, David, and Grace. My ungainly crouch was so that Frank could get something I wanted from my backpack. I can't remember what. Frank had just told me that he had seen his first Pileated Woodpecker a week before when this specimen arrived with a loud cac...