Dufferin Hi-Land Section - Lavender Cemetery (55.7 km) to Prince of Wales Road (41.7 km) - August 25, 2022.

Dufferin Hi-land Section - Lavender Cemetery (55.7 km) to Prince of Wales Road (41.7 km) - August 25, 2022. The Hiking with Friends group was back on the Bruce Trail this week with a 14 km stroll in the Dufferin Hi-lands Section, commencing in Lavender and heading southward to Prince of Wales Road and 20th Sideroad. A bird's eye view of the route starting on the left and heading southward (with a westward mid-section) to the parking area on Prince of Wales Road...the hike lasted 5 hours and 10 minutes and we climbed a cumulative 352 meters over the course of the course, as the elevation profile suggests, of course... Besides myself, who got to enjoy this great adventure you are dying to ask?..well, there was Barbara, Brian (leader), Sandra (sweep), Marleen, Laura, Michael, and Ron B...as you can see, we were in a 'grave' situation at the start, but we had 'plotted' a route, and were going to stick to it (unless we reached a dead end?)... An early start under overcas...