Toronto Section - Limehouse (21.5 km) to Eighth Line (33.7 km) - November 24, 2022.

Toronto Section - Limehouse (21.5 km) to Eighth Line (33.7 km) - November 24, 2022. On the program this week for our Hiking with Friends group was a roughly 13 km tour from picturesque downtown Limehouse to the picturesque...gravel shoulder of the Eighth Line parking?..were there many opportunities for "esque-type" pictures on this G.T.A skirting section of rock, pavement and earth?..well let's find out... Our four hour and 20 minute walk as seen from east starting in the lower left and travelling northward via forest, road, field, more road, and finishing with what appears to be a circumnavigation of the state of Florida? complaints that I heard about climbing...there is only 180 meters of it if you hike in this direction... Look at us...we've temporarily doubled the population of Limehouse as we park our cars at the start and assemble at the gates of the Conservation Area (which we actually never entered)...myself, our leader today, Doug, Frances, Marleen, Steve...