Toronto Section - Limehouse (21.5 km) to Eighth Line (33.7 km) - November 24, 2022.

Toronto Section - Limehouse (21.5 km) to Eighth Line (33.7 km) - November 24, 2022.

On the program this week for our Hiking with Friends group was a roughly 13 km tour from picturesque downtown Limehouse to the picturesque...gravel shoulder of the Eighth Line parking?..were there many opportunities for "esque-type" pictures on this G.T.A skirting section of rock, pavement and earth?..well let's find out...

Our four hour and 20 minute walk as seen from east starting in the lower left and travelling northward via forest, road, field, more road, and finishing with what appears to be a circumnavigation of the state of Florida? complaints that I heard about climbing...there is only 180 meters of it if you hike in this direction...

Look at us...we've temporarily doubled the population of Limehouse as we park our cars at the start and assemble at the gates of the Conservation Area (which we actually never entered)...myself, our leader today, Doug, Frances, Marleen, Steve R, Peter, Laura, Lesley, Liz, and our sweep, Sandra are geared up for a typical November "not quite winter but still damp and cool with some crusty snow/ice underfoot, grey sky, I miss Fall" type day...

A short stretch of road walk through suburban Limehouse is a chance to get the body warmed up for our entry in the woody part...a signpost warns hikers of the imminent danger from speeding trucks crossing our to keep moving...

 The topography becomes more challenging, and inviting, as we do one of the few short ascents of the day...

Is the scenery spectacular in these "urban fringe, not suitable for farming so we'll leave them natural" woodlots?, not the trail a little rock choppy and icy?...yup...are we having fun yet?...yes!

There was significant fog on the drive up and it is only now  starting to lift...providing an eerie backdrop for our silhouetted forms...

Everyone needs some "down time" and we get some as we descend off the drumlin...

Just prior to exiting the Mark Paul Sugar Maple Forest, purchased in 2017 by the Conservancy, we came across an amazing specimen...

We make our way up 5th Line before "stiling" into the forest again for the stretch over to Sixth Line...

The very rare double "bridge and boardwalk" photo opportunities are taken...rarely seen in nature...

The day has turned quite pleasant as the sun has risen (well, as high as it gets these shorter days)...we traverse some fields and keep making our way...

Our longest stretch of road walking has arrived so it's up the Sixth Line we go...the scritch, scratch, clink of icers on the pavement...

A right turn on Hwy 7, and past the Cedar Springs Motel (which reminds me that an afternoon nap is a must), and then it is on to the property of Scottsdale Farm...and farms produce food...and that reminds us...time for refreshment!

It's Trafalgar Road to cross next, as we hit the boardwalk stretch...

Lesley's eye is captured by one of the large cedars in this enchanting's all trail from here on in...the footing will require some concentration, not only on the many snow covered boardwalks, but also on the craggy rocks that pervade this section...

The last couple of kilometers were particularly challenging as we hop-scotched across small slippery boulders...honestly not my favourite part of the trail's ripe for falling and hurting more than one's hiker will back me up I know for certain...unfortunate, but sure it won't keep him off the trail for long...

We encounter some furry friends before reaching the dropped cars and calling it a day...

Thanks to Doug for his leadership today...a few stressful moments but he responded with his typical aplomb...

It's a done deal for today...not a classic by any means (am I getting too critical as my experience grows?) but nevertheless a pretty great time spent with friends...who nose what else is in store for H.W.F?

The End


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