Caledon Hills Section - Mono Centre Park (72.3 km) to 4th Line EHS (55.1 km) - April 27, 2023.

Caledon Hills Section - Mono Centre Park (72.3 km) to 4th Line EHS (55.1 km) - April 27, 2023. Hiking With Friends was back in the Caledon Hills section of the Bruce Trail this week taking on a challenging yet spectacular 18 km trek in the Hockley Valley area that would capture 17.2 km of the main trail and, for one dedicated hiker, put another feather in her cap... This hike is a beast...let's get that out there right from the's called the Caledon "Hills" section for a reason, and we faced an impressive 650 meters of climbing throughout the 6 hour journey...but this is a "top ten" hike in my books, capturing everything that makes the Bruce Trail such a engaging and rewarding footpath to experience...I can sometimes tell how prolific a day we have had by how many times I reach for my camera...and I did that a lot (thanks to Josie, Richard, and Steve for additional pics as well) let's get started and see what we saw together... After dro...