Caledon Hills Section - Mono Centre Park (72.3 km) to 4th Line EHS (55.1 km) - April 27, 2023.

 Caledon Hills Section - Mono Centre Park (72.3 km) to 4th Line EHS (55.1 km) - April 27, 2023.

Hiking With Friends was back in the Caledon Hills section of the Bruce Trail this week taking on a challenging yet spectacular 18 km trek in the Hockley Valley area that would capture 17.2 km of the main trail and, for one dedicated hiker, put another feather in her cap...

This hike is a beast...let's get that out there right from the's called the Caledon "Hills" section for a reason, and we faced an impressive 650 meters of climbing throughout the 6 hour journey...but this is a "top ten" hike in my books, capturing everything that makes the Bruce Trail such a engaging and rewarding footpath to experience...I can sometimes tell how prolific a day we have had by how many times I reach for my camera...and I did that a lot (thanks to Josie, Richard, and Steve for additional pics as well) let's get started and see what we saw together...

After dropping some cars at the designated finish location on 4th Line EHS, we make our way over to our start at the Mono Hills Park and gear up for the hike...our group of 15 friends this morning includes myself, Doug, Brian, Andrea, Steve R, Lesley, Richard (welcome back from AZ), Barbara (Hike Coordinator), Catherine, Frank, Rhonda (welcome back), Josie, Marleen, Frances, and Rita...

There's a short side trail (Laidlaw) to take to reach the main trail and then it's a right turn and we are on our way...the weather is looking very promising...a virtually cloudless sky and somewhat chilly temperatures expected to climb to a comfortable plus 8 or 9 degrees...

We soon approach the first of many stiles we will encounter today...a testament I suppose to the fact that there are numerous land ownership agreements in place in this area that allow the trail to pass through...

Although today's hike is at the longer end of our spectrum, there will be solace in the knowledge that the trail underfoot will be, for the most part, probably one of the smoothest around, with only a few technical areas...and this is just the first of many spectacular forested areas we will get to enjoy...

In addition to the forests, there are numerous open fields and meadows to appreciate as well...and our first of many creek crossings...will there be a bridge picture in our future?..(I think you know the answer to that question)...

It really is a quite magical morning...we are blessed to be able to spend it together in such a magnificent setting...

We are on a new 2.9 km route for the main trail that was created in July 2022 as a result of the recently established Whitetail Refuge Nature Reserve, featuring a dense white cedar forest for many White-tailed Deer to thrive in (hence the name) and naturalised ponds surrounded by meadow marsh...

Our view to the east improves as we venture closer to the edge of the escarpment...

There will be frequent stops today as we come upon areas of such natural beauty that you just can't help but to pause and admire...this is in addition to the necessary clothing adjustments and hydrating in response to the warming temperatures...

Oh, the things you can see in the just can't make this stuff up...

We eventually spill out onto 3rd Line EHS (not the last time we will see this road) and then take a right turn onto Dunby Road to head west for a short bit...

Oh look, it's another stile to deal with...I guess these steps are included in our overall climbing total?..make sense?..why the blank "stairs"?..

If it's varied terrain and bucolic images that you enjoy on a hike, then you have come to the right place...a feature of the Bruce Trail that I always espouse when discussing its merits...

It's stile # "I lost count already" as we enter the Hockley Valley Provincial Nature Reserve...

Some more "stylized" photos...

There's a bit of a regroup at the intersection of the Cam Snell Side Trail...

It is quite amazing how many precariously perched broken trees you come across in the forest...victims of high winds I suspect, they often find support from their healthy neighbours that suspends them at bizarre and geometrically fascinating positions...this one captures our eye...

After pausing to chat briefly with a fellow hiker who bemoaned recent encounters with misguided forest foragers (wild leeks seemed to be popular)...foraging affects forest biodiversity and reduces food available for wildlife and can damage other's the moment you've been waiting for...a bridge picture!..I included the impressive lower portion of a nearby tree since it's a hiking friend too...

Capturing that beautiful bridge picture...

It's back to the trail with more bridges to cross and stairs to climb...this really is one of the most picturesque areas you can experience...the lack of foliage this time of year allows one to appreciate the grandeur of the valleys and spectacular topography...

We are approaching the halfway point of our route today and thoughts are turning to finding a suitable spot for our refreshment break...but first, we must wind our way through the maze of cedars that surround the babbling brooks...oh well, such is life...

And here we are...settled on some fallen logs as we often do...smiling in the sunshine...

Steve takes a test drive to nowhere in the abandoned 1939 Chevrolet Master Deluxe left here around 1960 by the former owner of the nearby farmland...

A slightly weathered sign proclaims the twinning of this trail section with one in South Korea...we then cross Hockley Road...despite the distance and climbing we have covered so far, everyone seems in good spirits...that may change when we turn down the next road...

After crossing the new bridge over the south branch of the Nottawasaga River, there is one...long...steep...hill...this part of the trail was re-routed for construction of said bridge last time we were here a couple of years's my first go at it...and it's a lung buster...but hey, there's a great view at the top...

A left turn takes us off 2nd Line EHS and back into the woods...after passing by an open field, we are greeted by a sign (lots of those today) advising we are now entering the property of the Hockley Valley Resort...

 The hills keep coming (to be expected when you're hiking near a ski resort I suppose) and with them, more great vistas...

The breaks are becoming a little more frequent as our legs and lungs are being tested...but also an excuse to enjoy our amazing natural surroundings...

The resort's golf course does not appear to be open yet so little chance of being mowed down by a rampaging golf cart today...apparently they rank over lowly hikers...tees me off that...

When you're kings and queens of the hill, you like to linger over your domain...

A maintenance worker takes time to chat as we prepare to leave the property and head for the final stretch...

Our last road crossing reunites us with 3rd Line EHS which we touched upon what seems like hours ago...oh, it was...our hiking train chugs on with conversation being distilled down to pretty much one question..."how much further do we have again?"...

On a day during which we have witnessed all sorts of natural wonder, there is one more idyllic area to admire as we follow yet another creek valley up towards our destination...

A fine example of "death by blaze" (nice catch Richard) is followed by the realization that there will be no "death by hiking 18 kms for six hours and climbing 650 meters doing so" on this can see the wonderment in our faces (actually just admiring a noisy woodpecker on the telephone pole across the road)...meanwhile, Steve is just calling it in...but there is one last order of business on this day...

Catherine has completed the Caledon Hills Section!..we fete her accomplishment with the usual honour guard...this has been an epic hike, and it feels good, despite our aches and pains, to finish with smiles and a communal sense of achievement...just what Hiking With Friends is all about...thanks for joining us today and stay tuned for further adventures!

The End

A hiking blogger in his happy place...


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