Toronto Section - Eighth Line (32.1 km) to Limehouse (21.5 km) - August 24, 2023.

Toronto Section - Eighth Line (32.1 km) to Limehouse (21.5 km) - August 24, 2023. The Hiking With Friends group was spotted in the Toronto Section of the Bruce Trail this past Thursday and it is reported that they covered, on foot, a distance of roughly 11 km in an attempt to reach the tiny hamlet of Limehouse, all the way from a somewhat concealed roadside parking area on Eighth Line. This was not some random stroll done on a whim. This hike was...planned. An aerial screenshot (possibly captured drone footage?) confirms a circuitous route over various types of terrain, crossing, and sometimes actually following along, important arteries in the area. The mission, from its surreptitious start to its curious conclusion, took only 3 1/2 hours, suggesting that this group had been operating in other areas (somehow connected?) many times previous to this sortie... Just prior to the actual mission, members of HWF were actually spotted IN Limehouse, but they quickly departed, seemi...