Toronto Section - Eighth Line (32.1 km) to Limehouse (21.5 km) - August 24, 2023.

 Toronto Section - Eighth Line (32.1 km) to Limehouse (21.5 km) - August 24, 2023.

The Hiking With Friends group was spotted in the Toronto Section of the Bruce Trail this past Thursday and it is reported that they covered, on foot, a distance of roughly 11 km in an attempt to reach the tiny hamlet of Limehouse, all the way from a somewhat concealed roadside parking area on Eighth Line. This was not some random stroll done on a whim. This hike was...planned.

An aerial screenshot (possibly captured drone footage?) confirms a circuitous route over various types of terrain, crossing, and sometimes actually following along, important arteries in the area. The mission, from its surreptitious start to its curious conclusion, took only 3 1/2 hours, suggesting that this group had been operating in other areas (somehow connected?) many times previous to this sortie...

Just prior to the actual mission, members of HWF were  actually spotted IN Limehouse, but they quickly departed, seemingly leaving several of their expensive transport vehicles unattended in a local lot. Subsequent to their hasty exodus, the group reassembled outside of town in another obviously predetermined meeting point, by the intersection of Eighth Line and 27 Sideroad...

Fortunately, there were several photographers embedded in the group, and we have been able to cull together a fairly detailed, if not impressive, record of their activity over the course of the morning...we have also been able to positively identify the hikers present on this very humid August morning...they include myself, Nancy, Andrea, Rita, Josie, Frank, Barbara (also identified as the "Hike Coordinator", an obviously well respected and important position in the organisation), Annette, Marleen, Frances, Sandra (known as the "Sweep" which could mean she "cleans up" after the rest), Steve K (former head of this alliance but now retired to a foot soldier), Grace, Doug, Andrew, and Ron B...16 hikers attempting to make it to would they fare?..

 Much like the aforementioned predetermined rendezvous locations, it is soon apparent that the path that HWF is taking is not a random route...there are, in fact, what appear to be white "blazes" on posts and trunks of trees, that the hikers use to guide themselves, without requiring any compasses, or other aids, along their way...

It is suspected that the blazes have been put in place by a larger cooperative, known commonly as "The Bruce Trail"...are there other groups that exist with similar aims and objectives that HWF prescribe to?..very likely...

Despite being obviously well equipped for their undertaking, and having a vast amount of experience in this environment, there are always unanticipated challenges that must be it was VERY SLIPPERY BOARDWALKS...

HWF is also apparently well versed in the art of appearing to be having the time of their lives together while standing on cool bridges, which cross pretty streams, in the middle of magnificent not try this at home (it can only be reproduced in nature)...

We also have photographic evidence of...mushrooms...

Having passed a "Code Blue" Side Trail (we understand that there is next-level connectivity within this secret trail network, allowing hikers who have access to a proprietary Bruce Trail App, to move about wilfully and with impunity...), the HWF outfit is seen out in the open briefly as they plot their next advance, or maybe just chat about weekend plans...

The grace with which these hikers move across the landscape is something to behold...

Don't let these hikers' smiles and seemingly genuine good nature fool you...they are on a mission to get to Limehouse, and nothing will stop them...

And such is the importance of this objective, as dictated by the Hike Coordinator, that the group has apparently been given high level access to a seemingly "closed" access route...who do they know?..what do they know?

After passing an old barn (or is it really a "safe house" for wayward hikers?), the troop assembles at a type of secret entrance to private land called a "stile"...a photographer captures their advancement from the tall grass nearby...

More slippery boardwalks are traversed...

The group is once again exposed to the elements as they make their way through a large meadow...they have been operating in the wilderness now for several hours without the merest hint of attention from, or care about, the outside this detachment what hikers are really seeking?..

In a testament to the influential drawing power of the HWF congregation, this hiker was reported to have travelled down from a faraway northern village just to join in today's movement...

There seems to be an unspoken respect by the hikers for the trees amongst whom they spend so much time...Marleen is seen giving one an embrace that embodies this symbiotic relationship...

 The journey to Limestone continues with virtually the only climb on this mostly even terrain...the fact that this group has sustained itself on just liquids to get to this point is remarkable...will they not even stop for a snack today?..

After some intense discussion among all the members (the power structure is reportedly extremely democratic), it was decided to forgo a common practice termed "elevensies" (this time honoured expression rarely meets its intended time based reference)...the goal is so close now, sustenance can await!

The HWF company strides successfully into the small hamlet of Limestone, its few residents seemingly unaware (or perhaps uncaring) of who has arrived in their hallowed village, how they managed to get there, and for what reason they contrast, the Hiking With Friends members who just spent time together on the Bruce Trail, appear to know exactly what they were doing, and why they were doing it...and, having achieved their ends, they leave quietly as they arrived.

The End 

 The last known photograph of an HWF member's foot step taken in Limehouse...until they return again??



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