
Showing posts from August, 2024

Iroquoia Section - Grimsby Mountain (0.0 km) to Lewis Road (11.1 km) - August 22, 2024.

  Iroquoia Section - Grimsby Mountain (0.0 km) to Lewis Road (11.1 km) - August 22, 2024. After last week's very challenging (read: long, hilly and hot) trek up in Hockley Valley, Hiking With Friends was somewhat relieved to be back closer to home and tackling a little shorter and less "inclined" hike on a much cooler (but sunny) morning this past week in the familiar bench area of the Iroquoia Section...we traveled 11.1 km of main trail but 13 km overall  as we began at the Grimsby Lions Community Pool parking lot and wrapped up at the roadside parking at the end of Lewis Road... The familiar mostly straight line course that is distinctive of this area as we follow the "ribbon of wilderness" that divides the mostly urban area to the lakeside from the primarily agricultural lands to the south...we enjoyed a very comfortable four hours of hiking with a mere 250 meters of climbing... A slightly smaller group of 11 hiking friends this morning, having dropped a few