Iroquoia Section - Sydenham Road Lookout (58.8 km) to Grindstone Falls (71.2 km) - December 12, 2024.

Iroquioa Section - Sydenham Road Lookout (58.8 km) to Grindstone Falls (71.2 km) - December 12, 2024. After a "weather bye week" (well, except for one determined hiker but more on that later), the Hiking With Friends group were "feet first" this past Thursday into the Waterdown neighborhood as we trekked 13 km from the lookout on Sydenham Road over to Grindstone Falls at Smokey was Thursday, but felt more like a "Winds Day"... With a frigid air mass having moved in the night before, and a wind chill of minus a lot, 15 bundled up hikers arrive at the start to brave the elements...myself, Marleen, Renu, Laura, Peter, Barbara (H.C), Annette, Nancy, Ivan, Faryde, Steve K, Sandra (sweep), Ron B, and Andrew...not the best group shot I've done, but it was blowing cold!.. We are off and it's not long until we hit the streets of Flamborough...just about 100 steps away...a right turn on Romar Drive and then there's electricity i...