Iroquoia Section - Sydenham Road Lookout (58.8 km) to Grindstone Falls (71.2 km) - December 12, 2024.

 Iroquioa Section - Sydenham Road Lookout (58.8 km) to Grindstone Falls (71.2 km) - December 12, 2024.

After a "weather bye week" (well, except for one determined hiker but more on that later), the Hiking With Friends group were "feet first" this past Thursday into the Waterdown neighborhood as we trekked 13 km from the lookout on Sydenham Road over to Grindstone Falls at Smokey was Thursday, but felt more like a "Winds Day"...

With a frigid air mass having moved in the night before, and a wind chill of minus a lot, 15 bundled up hikers arrive at the start to brave the elements...myself, Marleen, Renu, Laura, Peter, Barbara (H.C), Annette, Nancy, Ivan, Faryde, Steve K, Sandra (sweep), Ron B, and Andrew...not the best group shot I've done, but it was blowing cold!..

We are off and it's not long until we hit the streets of Flamborough...just about 100 steps away...a right turn on Romar Drive and then there's electricity in the air as we start following the escarpment and gaze over an awakening urban landscape...

We assemble for a quick bridge picture before getting back to the business of warming up!..a rushing Borer's Creek looks as cold as we feel right now...

Borer's Falls in the (appropriately named) Borer's Falls Conservation Area...

It has been a crisp and very windy morning but the sun is shining and the trail is firm so we have kept a good, steady pace...and I would like to recognize our Senior ANalytical Directional Resource Advisor (SANDRA) for plotting our course and putting the harsh wind at our backs today!..

After traversing Valley Road, we enter the grounds of the Royal Botanical Gardens and the Berry Tract, which we find berry attractive...

The tunnel under the cacophonous Highway 6 is a unique Bruce Trail feature in these parts, as are the remnants of the old stone house nearby that is a common break area...our refreshment stop today was short and to the point...not wanting to lose too much of the body heat that we have worked so hard to create...

So it's off into Clappison Woods we go...with another short stop to's actually quite nice in the protected valleys...

Our crossing of Snake Road means we are now going to enjoy the picturesque valley of Grindstone Creek...and the last leg of our journey for today...knowing it's our final hike before our holiday season break (and also for  2024), are we tending to linger a bit a longer to appreciate how lucky we are to be spending time in nature?..are you kidding? you realize how cold it is? sore we are? close we are to my nap time..let's go!

Okay...maybe a little lingering...

At our final break, it is decided to fete Andrew for his recent completion of the Niagara Section, a feat he accomplished on his own last week...after positioning himself in the area the previous night (in anticipation of the big day), only to have HWF abandon him due to poor driving conditions...hiking without any friends is a last resort and only to be done under extreme circumstance, and this was one of those times...congratulations!

 And likewise to Laura, who wrapped up the Iroquoia Section today as well!..with friends...

All that's left is to enjoy the long, slow climb out the valley beside the rushing stream waters...

A quick peak at the falls and then it's into the long anticipated warmth of the dropped cars...despite the wind and cold, it's been a great final hike on the Bruce Trail for 2024...Hiking With Friends wishes you all a very safe and joyous holiday season, and all the best (hiking) in 2025!

The End

Yes, it was a rather blustery day...


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