Toronto Section - Appleby Line/Kelso (0.0 km) to Speyside (11.3 km) - November 28, 2024.

Toronto Section - Appleby Line/Kelso (0.0 km) to Speyside (11.3 km) - November 28, 2024. Hiking With Friends was back in action this past week, enjoying a "White Thursday" prior to "Black Friday" in the Toronto Section, where we started from the start on Appleby Line just north of Kelso, and finished up at the popular Pear Tree parking property pursuant to our prearranged planned program...with side trail access (and a small backtrack), our total distance was just over 13 km... After morning introductions, instructions, and maybe some introspection, we shuttled over to the parking lot at Hilton Falls Conservation Area and prepared for our journey, which is our inclination...there's myself, Barbara (H.C), Doug, Annette, guest hiker Nick, Claudia, Marion, Rhonda, Marleen, Georgia, Bett (hiding?), Faryde, Ivan, and Sandra (Sweep)... An overnight dusting of snow has provided a quite magical outlook to our initial foray into the frosty forest...transforming the dra...