Toronto Section - Appleby Line/Kelso (0.0 km) to Speyside (11.3 km) - November 28, 2024.

 Toronto Section - Appleby Line/Kelso (0.0 km) to Speyside (11.3 km) - November 28, 2024.

Hiking With Friends was back in action this past week, enjoying a "White Thursday" prior to "Black Friday" in the Toronto Section, where we started from the start on Appleby Line just north of Kelso, and finished up at the popular Pear Tree parking property pursuant to our prearranged planned program...with side trail access (and a small backtrack), our total distance was just over 13 km...

After morning introductions, instructions, and maybe some introspection, we shuttled over to the parking lot at Hilton Falls Conservation Area and prepared for our journey, which is our inclination...there's myself, Barbara (H.C), Doug, Annette, guest hiker Nick, Claudia, Marion, Rhonda, Marleen, Georgia, Bett (hiding?), Faryde, Ivan, and Sandra (Sweep)...

An overnight dusting of snow has provided a quite magical outlook to our initial foray into the frosty forest...transforming the drab, brown November landscape into a shimmering and shiny wonderland...we were shivering a bit at the start, but we shipped off along the famous Philip Gosling Side Trail to access the main trail and then headed southward across Campbellville Road...

I always find it fascinating how this pretty little forest exists mere meters from one of the busiest urban corridors in Canada, Highway 401...we reach the designated border of the Iroquoia and Toronto sections (no tariffs here), and then do a "180" to retrace our steps and start our journey to Speyside...

There's time for a quick bridge photo (the only other span today will not be nearly as picturesque)...and then a pause to contemplate the significance of this seemingly random wooden medallion attached to a tree...a quick internet search shows that it is likely a reproduction of a Mayan calendar, so by my interpretation, we were hiking on...

(the "inca" wasn't quite dry in this photo...)

Some more familiar landmarks further up the path that commemorate the famous founder of this great trail, Dr. Philip Gosling, and the genesis of the B.T in this area...

 It has been a good start to our hike today and after crossing Sixth Line, we are looking at a long stretch of escarpment edge walking with its typical assortment of rocks and roots...there's a quick stop to adjust clothing and take on liquids...

Reasonably nice vistas over Milton (can there ever be enough monster warehouses to keep all our stuff in?) are contrasted by the dystopian view of the immense Dufferin Aggregates Quarry...all construction requires destruction I suppose...

It's time for a short refreshment break as soon as we are far enough away from the noise and mayhem we experienced from that bridge...back to nature...ahhhhh...

Reaching the top end of St. Helena Road means that we have only a few more kilometers to traverse today...

We finish up by travelling through the pretty Speyside Resource Management Area and arrive at the BTC plaque adorned area at Pear Tree Park...and our dropped cars. It's been a very enjoyable November day on the trail and we are grateful to have had a safe and memorable day together Hiking With Friends!

The End

How my feet felt after not hiking for a month...



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