Beaver Valley Section - Side Road 13A (89.5 km) to 3rd Line/Side Road 25 (104.5 km) - Sept. 22, 2022.

 Beaver Valley Section - Side Road 13A (89.5 km) to 3rd Line/ Side Road 25 (104.5 km) - Sept. 22, 2022.

It's the final day of our second of three, 3 day trips up north for the "Hiking with Friends" group and the anticipation is high for this 15 km walk northward from the parking lot at the end of Side Road 13A where we finished yesterday, to the intersection of 3rd Line and Side Road 25 near Epping...

This 4 1/2 hour jaunt will stay mostly near the top edge of the escarpment and only require 300 meters of climbing (thank goodness after our 2 previous days combined total of over 1000 meters)...the only thing not on our side will be the's the autumnal equinox later today and it's like a switch has been flipped...after yesterday's hot, humid and sunny trek, we awake to single digit temperatures, rainy overcast skies, and a brisk, northerly wind off of Georgian Bay...

Preparations are made, including donning rain gear and backpack covers, and we are soon assembled and ready for this historic day...Our group to witness the success story about to unfold on the Bruce Trail includes myself, Lesley, Catherine, Doug, Steve (leader), Annette, Arpi, Rhonda, Michael, Muris, and Sandra (sweep).

But it is really all about this amazing lady today...I know I have crowed about her in previous blogs, but she deserves every bit of praise and admiration you can muster...Arpi will complete the Bruce Trail today!

We look back to January 18, 2018 and Arpi shows up for her first hike with the Pathfinders E2E group...she hiked 11.2 km in the Toronto Section...this photo, taken from the blog posted by Case, is captioned simply "Arpi, our newest hiker".

An early view of the valley pretty much sums up the damp, cool conditions that would rule the day...if nothing else, commented one hiker, our brightly colored rain gear at least brought some radiance to contrast the dreary conditions...

We travel through and then along the western edge of the Herman McConnell Memorial Forest past some hay fields...

The woman of the day is escorted back into the's early yet, but you can sense the excitement growing as we enjoy a quite pleasant trail...

Another hay field to meander's pretty obvious that it's harvest season up in these parts...

There's a short section of gravel road, Side Road 16, to trudge up before turning right and heading northward again...

If you're going to hike on a damp day, this is exactly the sort of trail you hope to be on...wide and smooth and easy underfoot...all in all, despite the weather, we are feeling good about our progress and staying relatively dry...

Doug examines an info board advising of the reforestation efforts in this area...

Closer and closer to her goal...

Our rainbow line moves along smoothly through fields of wildflowers swaying in the brisk wind...

Upon reaching Side Road 19, we pause to rest and regroup...

The Epping Beaver Pond is our next stopping point, an impressive area that I am sure supports all kinds of wildlife...

A very decorative steel bench, donated in memory of Fred & Shirley by their children and grandchildren is admired by the women...

 We linger a bit longer at this very peaceful spot before putting our feet in motion again...

A very short side trail gives us one more vantage point before we head eastward...

A very weathered wooden sign denotes our arrival at Grey Road 7...normally, we would have turned left to continue north but...


...the Epping Lookout Side Trail beckoned, with its promise of a  pavilion to provide protection from the pallid sky.

The view is not great on a day like today, but Arpi's baked goods are a sumptuous distraction for me and the others...

Back out onto Grey Road 7, it's into the teeth of a biting wind...head down, plow through...this little windmill was whirring wildly when we wandered by...

A right turn at Side Road 21 gets us out of the wind and back into nature...

Soon after, we are travelling on the road allowance, which I'm pretty sure is a euphemism for " a really stony and deeply rutted muddy trail used by ATV's and hikers"...

We get some respite from that surface as the main trail diverts for a kilometer or so for what I believe is a relatively new part of the route...

It's back on the road allowance then...the ruts get deeper and the mud gets more slippery...

We pause at the corner of 3rd Line and Side Road's pretty much a straight shot (uphill) from here to the dropped cars at Side Road 25...the end is near...the anticipation grows...

And look who is in full's been almost 4 years since she first set foot on the Bruce Trail...I have had the pleasure of joining her for almost the last 3 years and I have been continually amazed at her positivity and commitment...she is a true legend in our group.

Our last bridge picture for the week, and then it's a really tough climb to finish, using our last remaining energy...Muris is pumped to reach the top...

The final few steps are taken, and a dream is realized...

Her expression says it all...900 plus kilometers have been logged...She is officially an "End to End'er"!

And this picture clearly speaks to the thanks and gratitude that Arpi has for this man, and all he has done to help her achieve this goal. He has been with her almost every step of the way, through sun, wind, rain, and snow...uphills and downhills, forests and meadows...Steve, another feather in your cap.

 And is Steve's way, he makes sure that Sandra and I are both recognized for our completion of the Beaver Valley Section it stands, we both only have 3 hikes left in the Sydenham Section in two weeks time to complete our E2E...and follow Arpi into her new club.

 Cheers!..and see you soon.

The End

"Turkey Time"



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