Iroquoia Section - Guelph Line (83.5 km) to Smokey Hollow Falls (72.9 km) - January 12, 2023.

Iroquoia Section - Guelph Line (83.5 km) to Smokey Hollow Falls (72.9 km) - January 12, 2023.

Happy New Year to everyone!'s our first hike of 2023 for the Hiking with Friends group and we are excited to be back on the Bruce Trail after a few weeks of over indulgence during the festive holiday season...we are favoring the more local environs during the harsher winter period and this week, we enjoyed a roughly 11 km jaunt in the Iroquoia Section that took us from the roadside parking on Guelph Line to the parking lot at Smokey Hollow Falls on Mill St. South in was a 3 hour and 20 minute adventure that didn't get off to the smoothest start (but more on that later)...

When the Bruce Trail Conservancy boasts that they are "Preserving a ribbon of wilderness, for everyone, everywhere", there are few better examples of that "ribbon-ness" in such proximity to urban development than this's a relatively flat segment, with only 252 meters of climbing required through a few small creek valleys, and it typically offers some great views of the Golden  Horseshoe landscape but alas, not today...

Here are a group of hikers in a random parking lot in Waterdown without the "foggiest idea" of what to do next...our typically punctual routine having been rudely interrupted by a collision directly in front of the parking area at Smokey Hollow Falls that prevented access to where we were to drop our cars at the designated end of the planned hike...patience ruled and in the end, we were able to return and gain entrance...albeit after at least a 45 minute delay...

We then managed to make our way over to, and safely position ourselves by, the west side of Guelph Line north of Hwy 5 for our first group photo of 2023 (and my 3rd anniversary of hiking the B.T)...along with me are Marleen, Frances, Annette, Doug (Hike Coordinator), Sandra, Catherine, Brian, Barbara, and Muris...

Since the perilous winter weather over Christmas subsided, January has been relatively benign but very, very grey and virtually void of is a foggier version of that mono-chromatic dreariness...somehow, however, nature pulls through again and the shrouded landscape will prove just as alluring and comforting in its own special way...

The ground has been frozen enough so that the muddy path is a little sloppy in parts, but overall not in too bad shape...the forest is cloaked in a damp mist and with no wind to speak of,  there is a certain mystic atmosphere to appreciate...

Conversation centers around everybody's holiday adventures and family updates, while the hiking involves avoiding several recently downed trees that grace the pathway...

It feels good to be out stretching the legs and lungs again...the after effects of too many mincemeat tarts are becoming evident for me on these short uphill climbs...

The mud is getting a little worse in spots as the unusually warm temperature begins to thaw the ground...there will be laundry to do in our future...

Having doffed an outer layer, Doug appears to really be appreciating Brian's stowing efforts...

We reach the Fisher's Pond area in the Highview Survey and several other hikers are following Doug's lead and making clothing adjustments...

Normally a great spot to look out from, today's view is just a great big wall of gray...

Brian takes the time to register Hiking with Friends into the new trail log book provided...we are now legit...

Our view of Fisher's Pond proves to be equally unspectacular...

So it's back to enjoying the peace and tranquility of the forest...

We emerge onto Springer Crescent and then Highview Drive...a well constructed homemade rink awaits colder temperatures to inspire future Connor Bedard's...

Doug and Frances wait at the west side entrance to the trail on Cedar Springs Drive...

Crossing Highway 5 is never the most settling proposition on a clear day...let alone with fog in play and the ever increasing amount of traffic in this fast developing area...

After getting safely across, we take a short break for some refreshment...apparently I'm not allowed to sit with the cool kids just yet...

Just above Kerncliff Park, Annette discovers a short handwritten note attached to a sapling that speaks to our collective appreciation of the natural surroundings...the fragile, heartfelt  missive has impressively survived over two months of fairly harsh weather...

Barbara and Muris exhibit the muddy evidence of their efforts so far today...

The fog has started to thicken even more and you can barely make out King Road from above...

 We encounter a somewhat disorientated raccoon meandering on the path during the day...not sure if its presence was a result of it being "garbage day" in the area, or something more health related...either way, we gave it a wide berth...

Our first bridge picture of 2023!..

We just have the short stretch between Mountain Brow Road and Mill Street to finish off the day...Frances has done a great job of trash collecting during our hike...

The dropped cars are reached, and our hike has reached its end...Barbara waves to her fellow hikers in appreciation of time spent with friends...for what was a seemingly dreary day from the inside looking out, has turned out to be a very enjoyable and pleasant day on the outside looking out...yes, there was fog and some mud and some dampness...but nature once again managed to trump all that and provide us with just what we needed to propel us forward into the year ahead...see you again soon!

The End

...and thanks to this week's H.C!..


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