Iroquoia Section - Sydenham Road (59.8 km) to Sherman Falls (46.6 km) - February 16,2023.

Iroquoia Section - Sydenham Road ( 59.8 km) to Sherman Falls (46.6 km) - February 16, 2023.

It's the back half of February, winter is crawling by, and the Hiking with Friends group is determined, after a start/stop few weeks with angry weather, to get our walk in today, taking us 13.2 km from the Sydenham Road Lookout to Sherman Falls on Old Dundas Road in Ancaster. It will be a roughly 4 hour journey...through the viewing of this blog, you can now experience the highlights of our trek in much less time than that, in the comfort of your own home... let's get started!

So it's my first blog in a while (unless you want to see my Mexico pictures?) and right off the bat, my Garmin watch has not performed well, having delayed its tracking data until after a kilometer or so from our actual start, further up Sydenham Road. Nevertheless, here is 95 percent of our route, which involved an urban section, forested trails, and some wonderful visuals...all on a pretty decent, warm enough with little wind, morning...we also climbed a healthy 350 meters, so I was also able to work off some of the too many burritos I ate...

Our hike coordinator this week, Annette, has done a masterful job this morning as she organizes 16 hikers at our designated drop car parking lot on Artaban Road, and we shuttle everyone over to the start on Sydenham Road...a group selfie that tests the length of my arm captures myself (mostly), Ron B, Ron J, Peter, Liz, Marleen, Nancy, Diane, Laura, Sandra, Lesley, Steve K, Steve R, Brian, Frances, and Annette. Time to get this show on the trail...

The trail dips down to follow the slope below Sydenham Road...the footing is decent as we pass by a trickling Dyment Falls...we will see better waterfalls later on today...

We eventually re-connect with the road, and exercise caution to make the required crossing thereafter...

We arrive in the beautiful village of Dundas (always seems quieter here than around home)... it's an easy stroll for a few blocks and it's a chance to catch up with hiking friends you maybe haven't seen in a while...

After engaging a local resident (what an honour to live ON the Bruce Trail!)..we mosey through town, enjoying the peaceful ambiance...

There's a decent climb up the newly refurbished King won't be long before we get to some real trail!

A short set of stairs at the end of the Dundas Valley Golf Club driveway takes us into the woods at last...

It was a pleasure to be introduced to our two newest friends who have joined us to experience the Bruce Trail in all its glory...Nancy and Diane...welcome to HWF!

In a classic "be careful what you ask for" moment, we soon encounter a muddy slope to negotiate...Ron J appears to be able to float above the ground to avoid the mess...such is his style and grace while hiking (well, in general)...

Our group moves along well on what has turned out to be a pretty nice morning for a hike...the other bonus, for me at least, is that it's the first time I have hiked this stretch in this direction, after having done it several times in the more practiced way...a somewhat familiar trail becomes weirdly different from the opposite direction...

What is also familiar, but never gets old, is greeting the magnificent horses in the field at Valley Farm...

Well, only one came over to greet us, but it was rewarded with an apple and some loving attention...

After crossing Governors Road, we continue through the conservation lands towards an anticipated break at the Trail Centre...

And there it is...another familiar sight but a welcome one (with indoor plumbing!)...

After a short rest and some refreshment, we start off again on the "Main Loop" portion of the Conservation Area trail...we are well over halfway on our journey now...

Next up is Hermitage House...still waiting for those doors and windows on back order...and maybe a roof?..

Lesley elects to enjoy a short rest on one of the available benches...

As a familiar figure leads the way (just like old times), we cross Hermitage Creek, and the landscape becomes a little more dramatic...

And also more challenging in spots... there's some serious low clearance here...

This was probably the most visually appealing part of the trail today... approaching Canterbury Falls...

A large part of our group waits on the bridge for the rest to arrive...why would they possibly do this?..

But you know of my better bridge shots, I have to say...and a happy group of hikers sets off for the finish line...

But there's one last stop before we are done for the day...Sherman Falls, with a good flow on, roars away, and provides a scenic spot to wrap up our adventure...

There's no rush to wrap up what has been a very enjoyable we linger by the cascading water and appreciate the final few moments...

But eventually all good things must come to an end, and we walk up Artaban Road to our dropped cars...

Our hike is done and it's just a case of removing some muddy boots, saying our thanks to our Hike Coordinator, and spreading good wishes until we meet again...after my recent holiday, I have been reminded of, and been grateful for, what I have missed when I get to go...Hiking with Friends....I hope you enjoyed the walk with us!

The End

"Senderismo Con Amigos" Mexico


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