Caledon Hills - Fourth Line (55.1 km) to Airport Road/7th Line (43.4 km) - May 25, 2023.

 Caledon Hills - Fourth Line (55.1 km) to Airport Road/7th Line (43.4 km) - May 25, 2023.

The Hiking With Friends group was back from Beaver Valley and into the Caledon Hills section of the Bruce Trail this past week with a hike covering 11.7 km of the Main Trail as we walked from the 4th Line roadside parking in Hockley Valley to the parking lot at Airport Road and 7th Line...

The bird's eye view of the route which winds its way eastward before turning towards the south...we were on the trail for 4 hours and 20 minutes and climbed a decent 490 meters to get where we needed to go...most of that coming in the first half of the hike...

With some cars dropped on 7th Line and our shuttle complete over to 4th Line, we assemble for our group selfie...there are 15 hikers up for the task today including myself, Rita, Peter, Marleen, Doug (our esteemed H.C), Catherine, Lesley, Andrea, Steve R, Frank, Annette, Laura, Liz, Barbara, and Sandra...time to hit the trail!

There's a stile right off the bat to access one of the shortest side trails you'll encounter (a whopping 25 meters, which is essentially a flight of steps down the slope)...

The first thing I noticed this week was how GREEN the forest has become is vibrant...and this particular hike has a lot of nice woods to pass through...

...and here's a good example of the new found lushness...beautiful ferns exploding in vibrancy...

Due to a quirky bend in the road, and the fact that the trail started on the west side, we have to cross over to the east side of 4th Line EHS, a bit further north of where we set out...

As is often the case in the Caledon Section, the trail underfoot is very easy on our soles (and therefore our souls as well)...not a lot of exposed rock or roots to deal with...

We take a brief stop for some clothing adjustments before tackling some more ups and downs...

We knock off another line as we approach 5th Line EHS...

Been on this pinnacle a few times now...still haven't met Dave...wonder what "en-titleist-ed" him to have had this peak so proclaimed?..

If you could prescribe the perfect conditions for hiking, you could use this weather as an ideal example...sunny, cool, a very gentle breeze, and no bugs...a splendid day to be on the trail!..

Hike, pause, chat, admire nature in all its glory...repeat...

It's been a wonderful day for picture taking as well...the lighting is perfect, and the backdrops are just, well, you can see for yourself!..I would also like to take a moment to thank those hikers who contribute additional photos for this blog...much appreciated!..

We leave the forest and bask in glorious sunshine for a while...

The women pose beside an enormous lilac bush in full attracts beauty...

We cross over Airport Road (which is just 6th Line in disguise)...

It's time for a rest and a refreshment break before setting off once again...more wonderful meadows to saunter through...

We meet this little guy out working on his End2End...Theodore is 16 years old and waddles along the trail with great purpose...

This familiar gazebo in the sugar maple area always provides a great spot for a break...

At the parking area on No. 5 Sideroad, it's a chance to brush off the boots (to prevent the spread of invasive species), and catch our collective breath before we tackle the last few kilometres...

At the top of a small hill on the south side of the road, there is a plaque and info board dedicating this area as a nature preserve in honour of Philip Gosling, a founding father and main contributor to the creation of the Bruce Trail...hikers must first pass by a pontificating Sir Hike-a-Lot before being able to appreciate the history of this great man's efforts...

 The preserve is lovely and ultimately provides a suitable location for a bridge picture of a very contented group of hiking friends...

Marleen expresses her appreciation and love for one of the many grand, mature trees we have passed by today...

  It's our last line of the day...7th Line is reached and we stroll the last few hundred metres to the finish...

There's a new signpost (erected by the landowner I surmise) that provides some humorous takes on local and distant locations...Steve and Lesley pose by the iconic Inukshuk...

...which is soon followed by another celebration, acknowledging their completion of the Caledon Hills Section!..
Today was a great example of why the Bruce Trail never seems to fail to deliver in terms of beauty, inspiration and joy...we got to enjoy wonderful natural surroundings, we were inspired to capture that beauty in our minds and in some great pictures, and we shared in the joy of fellow hikers' great achievements...the group is now headed back to Beaver Valley next week for more of the same!..(unfortunately I have other obligations and will miss this trip)...I wish them Happy Trails!

The End

2023 Sulphur Springs 20 km Trail Race (with my race director brother at the finish)


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