Sydenham Section - Lundy Road (135.2 km) to East Linton Access (118.2) - June 15, 2023.

 Sydenham Section - Lundy Road (135.2 km) to East Linton Access (118.2 km) - June 15, 2023.

This day may start like any other hiking day (well, truthfully it didn't but I need contrast), but it will end with a very significant achievement fulfilled by two of our very dedicated and long tenured hiking friends, Doug and Barbara, and filled full of happy shared memories for all who participated with them along the way...their final steps will be taken from Lundy Road to the access on East Linton Side Road West...a 17 km hike that that will complete their roughly 2 1/2 year odyssey...

Looking at the route from north to south, this sinuous trail is, in my estimation, the most highly forested walk on the Bruce...we will hike for six hours and twenty minutes (very close to last October's 6hr 40 min hike with just me, Arpi, Sandra and Lesley when we did this hike by accident in the other direction but that's a story for another day)...we will be "in the trees" for almost 90 percent of the time...

So our "normal" hiking day does not, in fact, get off to a smooth start when our shuttle caravan quickly encounters this imposing sign on our way to the starting problem, there was an alternate route, and we eventually proceeded north on Grey Road 1...

 ...only to see this beast lumber across the road maybe 100 meters in front of our car...he doesn't look that big in the grass, but he was a healthy size!..I'm amazed I was able to capture him moving at 50 km/hr (us...not him).

Our final surprise for the morning was when we arrived at the trail parking on Lumby Road and we are immediately approached by this large herd of cows! was a "look at you, look at me" showdown...I think we won?..

Needless to say, we invited some of them to join us for our group selfie (sorry, I didn't get their names)...we have a great turnout today hiker wise as well...including myself, Peter, Laura, Nancy, Barbara, Catherine Frank, Doug (H.C), Ann, Frances (well at least her hat), Marleen, Brian, Annette, Muris, Steve K, and Sandra...16 hikers ready to share in a big occasion!..

Barbara and Doug will complete their Bruce Trail End to End today...and you'll get to share the moment with them...right this blog!..

Full disclosure...this will be Barbara's second completion of the Bruce Trail...she has spoken on her hikes about a previous adventure she had had at a younger, more frivolous age...25 years after she started  down this historic path, here are two pictures of her taken at the southern cairn, where she began both journeys, showing the same beautiful smile...the one that hiking can bring to a, she is about to recreate a moment in time...

This is the earliest recorded image of Doug I could find (well, half of him on the left anyway)...he is mentioned in the blog on the list of hikers but there was no group shot...hmmmm...this was December 10, 2020...he is having elevensie's with Alex, Marleen, and Ron B (I think I took the photo)...

Here he is on his next hike, in full, on January 7, his now familiar pose...

But enough nostalgia...we have at least 17 km to cover in order for these two to put  their last piece of their Bruce Trail puzzle in its let's get hiking...

As I mentioned earlier, we are going to see a lot of trees today...and rocks and roots...if you are a fan of forest bathing, you will be cleansed beyond belief after this hike...

I am sure that Barbara is grateful to these two inspirational leaders who have mentored her on a good part of her hiking journey the past few years...

She would also likely want to acknowledge Sandra, as would I, for her "stewardship from the back"...she has been our steady rudder of a sweep (I hope I got that sailing analogy right), and a great companion on the trail, and off...

There's a "low clearance" spot and Brian uncovers some random, misplaced signage as we travel through the Bass Lake Management Area...

The pace is good, the weather is perfect (again), and we are keeping the stops to a's like some of us have hiked together before!..this will be one of the smoothest 16 person hikes ever, right?..

...oh, sh*t...maybe not...

A chance for a view of the countryside (one of only a few today), and focusing on several tricky "step downs", meant we could eventually put the thought of any potential bear threat behind us...but best to stay together.

And here it is...the only pavement we saw all day at the Lindenwood Road crossing...

Couldn't the bear have used this?..

There is a small clearing near the parking lot here that has several memorial plaques from trail donors and the like...

Our only section of open air hiking takes us along and between several large fields...unlike yesterday, this part of the trail has been mowed and it is quite delightful...

Eventually, the forest looms ahead...we will be entering "The Glen" Management Area...

But soon after we do, it's time for our refreshment break and a chance to sample some of Ann's banana bread!..

It's not the blaze's fault after all, is it?...could it be the woodpeckers?..a conspiracy?..'s the blazes...

...definitely...another one for my collection...I'm applying for a new B.T Badge..."Death by Blaze".

Huge respect for this guy as he completes his first E2E..."the professor"...the only guy I know who can hike uphill, through technical terrain, while espousing on the Byzantine Empire reign, or some other "way too erudite for my hiking brain" topic for hours on end...amazing character...least tech savvy I.T engineer you'll ever meet...loves vanilla ice cream...(and I think he actually enjoys my puns).

Fittingly, the trail bares its primeval glory for us one last time before we finish our last northern hike of the season...a series of crevices near the end are passed through with eye opening wonder...

The brilliant green moss covered chasms are a cool respite at the end of our long journey...and super cool to hang out in!..

Most of us spill out onto East Linton Road and the sight of the dropped cars is certainly welcome...but there are two more hikers that have yet to finish...we await their appearance with baited breath (and hungry stomachs, and sore feet)...

And here they are! amazing dream has come true courtesy of the magic of the Bruce Trail.

Congratulations to Doug and Barbara!

A woman who knows her roots...and her way around rocks and hills and streams...she conquered the trail once in her younger days, and has now returned older, wiser, and maybe more appreciative, of what it takes to master the Bruce Trail...

 There's a little champagne and nibbles (butter tarts, mmmm...) before we all hit the road back to our has been another great three day adventure...thanks to all who contributed to the celebration, sent me photos, and assisted with driving and shuttling...Hiking With Friends proved once again that there is no better way to spend the day than exploring the Bruce Trail with each other...see you soon!

The End

Doug and Barbara on the trail together...Sept. 2,2021.



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