Iroquoia Secrion - Sydenham Road (58.8 km) to Sherman Falls (46.6 km) - Jan. 18, 2024.

 Iroquoia Section - Sydenham Road (58.8 km) to Sherman Falls (46.6 km) - Jan. 18, 2024.

After a fairly mild start to our winter season, some snow and lower temperatures have arrived and the Hiking With Friends group was somewhat glad to put the memories of the muddy Bruce Trail last week behind us, and experience a more traditional cold weather hike this week. Where did we do this, you ask?..well, it was mostly in the familiar confines of the Dundas Valley Conservation Area (with a little bit of urban Dundas thrown in), as we traveled about 13 km from the Sydenham Road lookout to Sherman Falls, near the Artaban Road parking area. How did it go, you ask?...well, let's have a look!

At just over 4 hours in length (including a  couple of refreshment stops), this route has a little bit of everything...icy waterfalls, in town road walking, a horse farm, a warm and comfortable place for a mid-hike break, and great scenery...we will have to climb a decent 350 meters to experience all this, but that's o.k...there aren't any major hills, and we won't be slipping on mud like last week (maybe slipping on ice if you weren't wearing icer's though)...

Mild or cold, this winter has had consistently dreary skies, and this morning is no different at the Sydenham Road Lookout where we have assembled for the start of our hike...the backdrop is a mono-chromatic sheet of paleness...Sir Hike-A-Lot exhibits a new level of chivalry in helping fit his queen with our version of "glass slippers". The happy dozen  HWF members this morning include myself, Steve R, Lesley (H.C), Steve K, Rita, Laura, Josie, Nancy, Liz, Dave, Andrea, and Ron B...let's get on the trail!

 The first few hundred meters is a reasonably technical descent down to the base of a quite frozen Dyment Falls...those who fail to look over their left shoulder may miss this discreetly hidden gem...

Our relatively smooth start to the day is held up by a quite large fallen tree blocking the trail...a combination of age, gravity, and perhaps high winds has taken down another takes some care to get around it on a fairly steep slope...

Having successfully negotiated the blockage, we eventually emerge onto Sydenham Road and descend into the mist shrouded village of Dundas...

I have always enjoyed this stretch of urban trail through this quaint town...there are many older buildings, architectural marvels, and just a general "old school" vibe to the neighborhood...

Drawing upon Steve K's vast experience and leadership skills and, based on his recommendation, we make a slight, yet ultimately "stimulating" detour on our route in order to access an important landmark in town...a local coffee shop!..HWF "sticks it" again!..

"Human Movement"'s what hiking is all about!..hopefully followed by a nice massage.

Having realigned ourselves with the main trail, we start up King Street West towards the Dundas Valley Golf & Curling Club...

A muted sun tries vainly to pierce the overcast skies...this location will be the host of a future family gathering where our new grandson (visiting with his mom from Calgary), will be welcomed by the rest of the clan, including his great-grandparents!..

Further along, having entered the forested area behind the club, we say good-bye to Steve K as he chooses to embark on completing the grueling 100 meter long Davidson Boulevard Side Trail, in pursuit of his new maybe seconds, or even minutes, before we ever see him again on the main we wish him luck, turn away regretfully...and don't wait around...

It's okay...he caught up (and passed me) not much later...

The horses at Valley Farm are more interested in their oats today than these hikers (of whom they have seen plenty I'm sure)...still a peaceful, bucolic sight to pause and enjoy though...

We cross Governors Road and enter the main part of the Dundas Valley Conservation Area...

...and the tradition continues!..the light snow has stopped, the skies are clearing somewhat, and we have ourselves a great winter hike on the that deserves a smile!

And there's a familiar and always welcoming sight...the Dundas Valley Trail Centre...warmth and washrooms...a hiker's dream!

Have you ever met a "n'icer" guy?..

And our journey continues...are we on the right side of the tracks now?..

The Hermitage House, originally built around 1850 by the Leith family,  was destroyed by fire in 1934, purchased by the HCA in 1972, and restored in 2015...doors and windows still on back order...

There were whiffs in the air of the pungent odor that gives this area its name, Sulphur Springs...

Canterbury Falls is our next "pause and admire nature in all its winter glory" spot to enjoy...

This area is always such a joy to return to, anytime of year, but a quiet winter morning with a dusting of fresh snow is one of the best...and today it shall end with a visit to a very frozen Sherman Falls, a sparkling jewel of icy magic...

It's a "picture perfect" end to the hike today, and we linger for some great shots and future memories...

Are these hikers having a good day?..


And who doesn't appreciate a big wave from the hydro guy way up in the bucket truck to cap off your day?..we reach our dropped cars at the parking lot on Artaban Road and say our good-byes for this week...winter hiking is back and hopefully we'll get some more of these challenging but visually rewarding hikes over the next few weeks...either way, we have the new year off to a great start and we'll keep enjoying...Hiking With Friends!

The End

Only a few tickets left...


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