Iroquoia Section Feb 1 hike from Rattlesnake Point to Twiss Road and Side Trails

14 hikers turned out this week hiking from Rattlesnake Point to Twiss Road exploring the side trails Rattlesnake, Leech Porter, and Crawford Lake.  The hike was just under 10km with half the group opting to loop Crawford Lake for an additional 1km.

The group met at Twiss Road and shuttled over to Rattlesnake Conservation area for the hike start. Steve, Nancy, Sandra (sweep), Barbara (HC), Laura, Peter, Marlene, Grace, Frank, Liz, Doug, Lesley, Rhonda, and Annette.

The temperature was above zero it was dull, damp and drizzly when we set off especially on top of the escarpment. Overall the trail condition varied, and surprisingly not a lot of mud, although snow and occasional icy sections requiring our trusted icers.

Lesley and Liz on Rattlesnake ST lookout, with a misty view looking over the ravine to the mushroom plant.

Smiling faces of Laura, Annette and Rhonda says it all, we're happy to be on the trail.

Rhonda and Annette our Blue Trail blazers!

Grace and Doug dressed for the Blue Trail adventure!

We enjoyed elevenses at the Crawford Lake Visitor Center. Doug was really happy to find the store open but sadly no ice cream!  He was content with a Mars bar.

Peter demonstrated a few "technical poses" during the hike with a "rumble in the snow" and a graceful "pirouette on the ice". Unfortunately, Barbara & Sandra couldn't capture his shenanigans on camera!!

Half the group continued on the trail while the other half took a closer look at Crawford Lake global example of the Anthropocene 

Last climb down the escarpment heading for Twiss Road, extra care was needed in this section with hard ice on the trail.

 Heading back to the cars and the end of another HWF adventure.

Thanks to Nancy, Leslie, Laura and Steve for the hike photos and to Annette & Sandra for the use of their Conservation parking passes.


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