Niagara Section - Glen Road (55.5 km) to Swazye Falls (42.3 km) - Feb. 8,2024.

 Niagara Section - Glen Road (55.5 km) to Swayze Falls (42.3 km) - Feb. 8,2024.

Hiking With Friends returned to wine country and took on a trek in the Niagara Section this past was a pre-SuperBowl hike of just under 14 km from the roadside parking on Glen Road near Balls Falls, to the parking lot on Roland Road near Swayze Falls...while our aim was chief-ly to complete the walk safely and in good time, it turned out we weren't as swift as we had hoped to be...but I can give 49 reasons why that was...maybe Vegas didn't like our odds.

I  didn't think it would be such a long, long time, until touchdown brought me round again to find, what a tough track this can be...but circumstance meant it had been four years since I had done this hike...and despite a seemingly modest 350 meters of climbing, there's some tough terrain and, not surprisingly, lots of slippery, muddy trail to contend with, that means it will take us almost 5 hours to reach our goal line...

A surprisingly foggy morning drive to contend with but the sun eventually begins to rise to the occasion, and we arrive near Swayze Falls to exchange greetings, and prepare our shuttle cars...Marleen has been gifted some beautiful produce...butter make sure nut to squash those gourds!..

Another great turnout this morning with 16 hikers assembled on Glen Road ready to slip and slide their way to the goal line...there's myself, Steve R, guest hiker Jeff, Steve R, Peter, Laura, Lesley (H.C), Marleen, Sandra, Liz, Muris, Barbara, Grace, Nancy, Rita, and Doug...

Below zero overnight temperatures have done us the favor of freezing the soil just enough so that initially, the trail is reasonably firm underfoot...we sense that these circumstances won't last as warming temperatures are forecast...unusual early February conditions, but such has been the case this winter...

We have a quick regroup and early assessment of everyone's physical well being as we cross Nineteenth Street, and then it's onward to follow a small stream that will lead us to West Eighteen Mile Creek Falls...

Then there's the first of many dicey descents for the day...

An early bridge picture opportunity is taken...

There's a bit of fording to do across yet another flowing rivulet and then a regroup and water break at the top of the hill...we are well into the hike now and although our overall speed will not be high today, the great conversation and beautiful surroundings, as well as the often sketchy footing, make the journey worthy of its own pace... 

It's a somewhat rare occurrence, but another hiking group comes up behind's awkward timing however when, just as we decide to step aside and let them pass, they inform us that they are, in fact, diverting onto a side trail at that exact spot...the relationship was short and sweet, and possibly already forgotten by some...A stretch of bleak pavement walking on Seventeenth St. is soon contradicted by our discovery that this is, in fact...the Road to Shangri-La!..time is a mystery here...

Not sure if the two Steve's were initially opposed to this pose by the Sue-Ann Staff Estate Winery Logo, but here they R, and that's o.K...

Our entrance into the Louth Conservation Area quickly reveals some magnificent aspect of winter hiking that is surely appreciated is the ability to capture the immensity of the landscape through the denuded forests...and there are several spectacular valleys in this area...

While I often try to capture blazes in my photo frames, this is the first time I did so, while unknowingly also capturing a rare "death by turn blaze" in the background!..crazy stuff (well, at least for me)...

Despite the magnificent surroundings, most hikers know that it's the next spot in front of you where you go to plant your foot that is always the most significant...otherwise, you will be looking up at all those trees...

Our arrival at Louth Falls is a chance for a respite from the ground focused life...and an opportunity for me to create a short birthday greeting video for my son-in-law with the help of my fellow hikers...he liked it!

And then it's back to the (increasingly) muddy slog...

There are a few minor slips here and there, but I think we all managed to avoid any major falls, so that's a good thing...

As we leave the Conservation Area, there is one of the longer climbs of the day to reach the top of the escarpment, which we will then follow for a spell...

We reach the summit and take a collective pause to catch our breath...this hike has been invigorating!..

Our next challenge is a bit of "boulder hop scotch"...

The challenging terrain just keeps on coming, but this is what we sign up for (wait, I don't remember signing anything)...after three weeks off the trail, I'm feeling the burn...

After one more small valley, we arrive at 9th Street...we are well over halfway and talk turns to having a refreshment break on the other side...

...and we soon turn our talk into action...

We are now in the Rockway Falls Conservation Area, and we roll along beside 15 Mile Creek in this 312 acre protected site...

We linger for a bit admiring the sights and sounds of the rushing water, but there's more trail ahead (and mud) so it's back to being in motion, and in the moment...

There's a bit of dry land in the form of Pelham Road to cross...

Now this one I caught on purpose of course...hard to tree is too large to be afflicted it seems...

Our final road crossing is at Effingham Street  (not Rd as the sign below suggests), and we are almost done...there's just a short walk until we reach the entrance to Short Hills Provincial Park...

The boot brush is put to good use to clean off some of the invasive...mud...

Any similarities between Jeff and this eclectic gathering of delightful gnomes are purely...magical...

Just before reaching Swayze Falls, we veer off the main trail and venture the couple of hundred meters up to our dropped cars on Roland Road...there is cause for celebration, not just because we have completed another tough but rewarding hike on the Bruce Trail, but also because Muris has (finally) fully completed his very first section!..hiking polls are arched, and he is feted appropriately...congratulations to a very respected member of Hiking With Friends...apparently, perseverance in the face of relentless global travelling has no bounds...thanks to you for travelling the Bruce Trail along with us, it's back to doing laundry....damn mud.

The End

"Take A Walk With Me"
Muddy Waters



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