Iroquoia Secrion Hike #4 - Canterbury Falls to Hillcrest Ave.


Off we set on another weekly HWF hiking adventure of Blue Trails, bridges, waterfalls, and stairs.  

18 HWF hikers joined the 15 km hike this week from Canterbury Falls to Hillcrest in the Iroquoia Section. We head out from the parking lot on Artaban Road with a very chilly start of -6oC and an overcast sky. Thankfully, the forecasted wind from NW of 15km/hr gusting to 35km/hr did not materialize.

Joining the HWF hike this week SteveR (photographer), Liz, Frank, Peter, Laura, Lesley, Nancy, Rita, Josie, Marleen, Andrea, Barbara (HC), Andrew, Georgia, Geoff, SteveK, Sandra (Sweep), and Muris.

Four Blue Trails, several bridges, and four spectacular waterfalls. Let's not forget the stairs....and there are lots of them on this hike, too many to count!  

We started with a loop around Canterbury Falls side trail and back onto the main trail and continued over to Tiffany Falls side trail, and then our adventurous hikers added the Filman Road side trail, and finishing with the Hillcrest side trail. 

Single file maybe! 
A bridge closure was announced over the Canterbury bridge after we passed by!  Whoops!  Glad we made it over safely as this would have been a very long reroute!

Filman Road Side Trail added 0.8 km to the hike, an in and out trail, or down and up as it turned out!

Nancy at Tiffany Falls side trail.

 We enjoyed elevenses' at the top of the escarpment and then we crossed over several bridges and climbed several stairs back to the cars at Hillcrest. 

Tiffany Falls

Sherman Falls

Fallen tree across the trail!

It appears from the photos we only climb up stairs on this hike?

Thanks to our Sweep Sandra for all the time she spends preparing the HWF hike schedules, and for making sure we all get back to the cars safely. 

Thanks also to our photographers, Nancy, Lesley, Josie and SteveR.

See you on the trail soon!


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