Niagara Section - Woodend Conservation Area (13.6 km) to Southern Cairn (0.0 km) - Feb. 29, 2024.

Niagara Section - 13.66 km from the Woodend Conservation Area to the cairn marking the south end-of-trail in the Queenstown Heights Park - 29 February 2024.

We walked west to east because a high of -1C and a gale from the west were forecast.  We were really glad we did!  It was a glorious sunny day, but the wind was bitter.

The starting photos ... several were needed on account of the coordinator's inability to master his iPhone.

There were 18 of us hiking: Doug (coordinator), Andrea, Marleen, Rita, Liz, Nancy, Barbara, Steve K, Laura, Sandra (sweep), Steve R (assistant-photographer), Annette, Ron B, Frances, Lesley (principal-photographer), Muris, Geoff, and Grace.

Just before the off ...

The screaming tunnel, mercifully not too flooded ...

Into the woods.  No, that is not a beaver lodge!

Back into the woods from Mewburn Road ...

Steve R. scouting the route ...

Out of the wind in a valley ...

Elevenses ...

The bridge photo...

Almost there ...

Grace and Geoff - first timers at the southern Cairn!

The End


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