Toronto Section #3, Main Trail between Limehouse (21.5km) and Eighth Line (32.3km)

  This week 13 hikers joined the 10.5km hike in the Toronto Section between Limehouse and Eight Line.  

The weather was foggy, drizzly, and snow on the ground so rain gear and icers were a must!

Josie (photographer), Annette (photographer), Andrea, Frances, Rita, Frank, Geoff, Barbara (HC), Steve, Marleen, Muris, Ron, and Sandra (Sweep)

Streams were spilling over after all the rain of the past few days.

The morning started out foggy and the trail snow covered.

Several sections of this hike would have been impassible without the hard work of the Bruce Trail volunteers who build bridges and boardwalks over streams and swamps.  We were grateful to the volunteers today!

Extra care was needed on the slippery stiles.

Congratulations Muris! 

Toronto Section complete!


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