Peninsula Section Blue Trails multi day hike. June 10 - 13, 2024

Day 2 - 20.3km


Here we are, our merry group of 4, Marleen, Michael ( HC ), Frances and Annette. 

The weather co-operated and we had glorious hiking days, 4 for Michael and 3 for the rest of us. Collectively we hiked 24 Blue Trails in the Lions Head area.

We had a bit of everything - easy walking, rocky trail, climbing ladders, manoeuvring down steep slopes of rocks using  rope assists, and rocky beach walks. 

Follow along with us below: 

    Day three: 17.8km


Day Four: 10km

Our silent companions: 

Our very comfortable accommodations:

All in all, a great escape into nature, and a great sense of accomplishment!


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