Sydenham Section - Series #1 - September 10 to September 12, 2024.

 Sydenham Section - Series #1 - September 10 to September 12, 2024.


Day One - Bognor Marsh (27 km) to St. Vincent/Sydenham Townline (41.7 km) - Sept. 10, 2024.

Hiking With Friends was back up north in the longest of the nine Bruce Trail sections, Sydenham, for the first in a series of three, 3 day fall hike sessions, as some of the group move ever closer to their coveted E2E achievement, and others just enjoy returning to appreciate the beauty and challenge that this great area offers.

It's the first day, and the first time for some, on the Sydenham Section that winds its way starting in Blantyre, up to near the shores of Georgian Bay, and ends in Wiarton. Today, you find us at the start of our adventure at Bognor Marsh Management Area, a spectacular 668 hectare multi use preserve in Grey County that encompasses escarpment upland forests, a Ducks Unlimited dam, Bruce Trail access (kinda of a key component for us), several small springs, and (unsurprisingly) three major marshes.

Our eager group of 11 hikers this morning includes myself, Josie (photographer), Frank, Rita, Andrea, Nancy, Steve K (Hike Coordinator), Rhonda (arm raised to ask a question for which I have no answer), Andrew, Georgia, and Sandra (Sweep).

We are underway on a warm September morning with a clear sky and no breeze to disturb this web creation that is one small part of the vast and complex ecosystem here...

As we cross the always fun, wobbly floating boardwalk, the magnificence of the Bognor Marsh reveals itself and apparently distracts some hikers who do not heed the right turn blaze (pointed out by Rhonda's arm)...we eventually find our way to the lookout platform and take turns enjoying the panoramic view...

Happy hikers on a bridge on a beautiful September morning!..

We make our way up to the top of the escarpment proper and it's a great trail for the next few hours...I'll let the pictures take you along for the ride...

There have been some rather technical areas to negotiate but the scenery, crevices, and forest wonders have been may have noted a blue blaze in a photo above which was a short 1 km side trail that we elected to take that exactly paralleled the main trail and was actually a bit more challenging I believe...everyone eventually made it safely (barring a snapped pole for Andrea) to the crossing of Highway 26 (likely the most dangerous few steps of the day)...just a few more kilometers to the dropped cars...

 One last very narrow and challenging crevice adventure remains (there was even a sign with a warning!) but we all squeeze through and are happy to see the roadside parking area...we've covered the roughly 16 km course in just over six hours and climbed a decent 350 meters...time to head to the motel for a hot shower and a well deserved meal...(for most at least, I'm heading home on the bus so good luck to the others over the next two days)...stay tuned for more adventures of the HWF group in Sydenham!..

End of Day One 

In a rarely seen spin-off series called "Hiking With Friend", Andrew and I (at his behest) took on the 18 km trek from Lundy Road to the East Linton Access on Monday, Sept. 9th, in order to enhance his opportunity to finish the Sydenham Section at the end of this was a stormy start but a great day in the end...


Day Two - First Concession South/Grey Rd 29 (10.5 km) to Bognor Marsh (27 km) - September 11, 2024.

Ten of us started on the 16.5 km (actually 19 km) trek from Walters Falls to Bognor Marsh including Andrew (photographer), Rhonda, Andrea, Frank, Josephina (photographer), Rita, Steve (photographer), Sandra, and Georgia with Nancy hiding off to the side.  Apparently if you were a woman, your  name had to end in "A" to be included in the selfie.
We started the hike by immediately taking a Side Trail to Walter's Falls which was well worth the 1 k divergence from the Main Trail.

Back to the road and 4 km of road walking begins but the scenery makes the time pass quickly.

As we turn back into the forest we find an apple tree with very sweet fruit and a spectacular old maple tree!

Elevensies on a convenient log.

Back on the road for the last 5 km.

One final apple before we complete the hike and then off to the hotel for a well deserved dinner and drinks.

End of Day 2


Day Three:  A short 10 km hike from Bothwell's Corner to Harrison Park Side Trail on 7th Ave East

There were nine of us that headed out on Thursday morning with Andrew (photographer), Josie (photographer), Steve (photographer), Frank, Andrea, Rita, Nancy, Georgia and Rhonda.  This is Rhonda's final segment of the Sydenham Section!

A special mailbox and garden feature.  The route begins with 4.5 km of road walking on busy Hwy 26.

We finally turn off the road and into some fields before climbing up into a forest where we encounter the escarpment and enter some crevices.

The ladder helped us out of the crevice but the descent was very tricky.

A small pond and then back out to fields and forest.

We emerge from a field, cross Hwy# 6, and enter Owen Sound where the Palisades begin.

After an hour through the last kilometer of rugged terrain we begin the descent on Harrison Park Side Trail to our waiting cars and celebration of Rhonda's completion of the Sydenham Section!  Well done.

End of Day Three.


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